Sewa Ruang Kantor - Jakarta Office Space for Rent

By Admin, on March 7th, 2023
- Office Building Name: Office Sopo Del Tower
- Location: Jalan Mega Kuningan Barat III, Kawasan Mega Kuningan, Jakarta Selatan
- Floor/View: –
- Size: 270,6 m2
- Condition:
- Facility:
- Security 24 hours
- Lift
- Bank
- Busway
- Restaurant
- Food Court
- Additional Info:
- Location in Central Business District Jakarta (Thamrin, Kuningan, Sudirman)
- Close to: Mega Kuningan District (5 minute)
- Shopping Mall (Ambassador Mall, Kuningan City, Lotte Shopping Avenue)
- Embassies (Russia, Malaysia, Poland, Finland, Denmark, etc)
- Five stars & luxury Hotels (Four Seasons Hotel, Ritz Carlton, JW Marriot, etc)
- Bank & ATM Center (OCBC NISP, Mandiri, BTN, BRI, BII, UOB, BCA, etc)
- Easy Access to avoid 3 in 1:
- Prof Dr. Satrio street
- HR Rasuna Said street
- Lingkar Mega Kuningan street
- KH Mas Mansyur street
- Selling Price: Rp 40 JUTA/SQM x 270,6 Sqm = Rp 10.824.000.000,-
- Rental Price: Rp 150 RIBU/SQM
Minimum Rental 1 Year
- Contact: Charles Susanto Lim
Call / Whatsapp: 081377765768 – 087778899910 E-mail: prestigescbd@gmail.com www.PrestigeSCBDProperty.co.id
PRESTIGE SCBD PROPERTY Office: Gedung Menara Tendean, Lantai 12 Unit 6 Jl Kapten Tendean No: 20C, Jakarta Selatan
- WhatsApp: 087778899910
- E-mail: PrestigeSCBD@gmail.com
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Tempat Usaha

By Admin, on January 30th, 2023      
- Office Building Name: Sopo Del
- Location: Jl. Mega Kuningan Barat III RT.5/RW.5 Kuningan, RT.4/RW.5, Kuningan, Kuningga beben Tim., Kota Jakarta Selatan, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 12950
- Floor/View: Low Zone
- Size: 570 Sqm
- Condition: Bare Condition
- Facility:
- ATM & Bank
- Restaurant
- Mini Market
- Coffee Shop
- Parking lots
- Musholla
- Security 24hour & CCTV
- Additional Info:
- Sopo del Tower has 2 Tower : Tower A for Lease and Tower B for Strata.
- A New Building at Mega Kuningan complex.
- Walking distance to ITC Kuningan, Lotte Shopping Avenue and Mall Ambasador, also Bellagio Apartment
- Sopo Del is easily accessible from 3 main roads: Jl. HR. Rasuna Said, Jl. Prof. Dr. Satrio (free from odd-even restricted zone) and Jl. Gatot Subroto.
- Sopo Del Tower B is a 37-level tower which consists of 18 levels of a Grade-A quality office space, 10 levels of a 4-star hotel and 4 levels of parking structure.
- Developed on a 1.7 ha land,
- Tower B is part of Phase 1 integrated mixed-use development with Lifestyle Center connecting the 2 Office Towers, Tower B and Tower A
- Selling Price: Rp 25.650.000.000,- (Nego)
- Contact: Rifqi Zakariya 085742750028
- WhatsApp: 085742750028
- E-mail: kharisrifqi@gmail.com
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By Admin, on October 4th, 2022  
- Office Building Name: SOPO DEL TOWER
- Location: Mega Kuningan Barat Jakarta Selatan
- Floor/View: Middle floor
- Size: 270 m2
- Condition: Bare
- Facility:
- ATM & Bank
- Restaurant
- Mini Market
- Coffee Shop
- Parking lots
- Musholla
- Security 24hour & CCTV
- Additional Info:
- Viewing by appointment only H-1
- Fast response by wa
- Selling Price:
- Rental Price:
- Rp 150 ribu per m2 / bulan
- Contact:
- Nimas wulan 08164848478
- Rully 081586500805
- WhatsApp: 08164848478
- E-mail: nimaswulan.property@gmail.com
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By Admin, on June 21st, 2022    
- Office Building Name: Sopo Del Tower
- Location: Jl. Mega Kuningan Barat III RT.5/RW.5 Kuningan, RT.4/RW.5, Kuningan, Kuningga beben Tim., Kota Jakarta Selatan, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 12950
- Floor/View: Low Zone
- Size: 270.6 m2
- Condition: Bare
- Facility:
- ATM & Bank
- Restaurant
- Mini Market
- Coffee Shop
- Parking lots
- Musholla
- Security 24hour & CCTV
- Additional Info:
- Sopo del Tower have 2 Tower : Tower A for Lease and Tower B for Strata
- A New Building at Mega Kuningan complex
- Walking distance to ITC Kuningan, Lotte Shopping Avenue and Mall Ambasador, also Bellagio Apartment
- Sopo Del is easily accessible from 3 main roads: Jl. HR. Rasuna Said, Jl. Prof. Dr. Satrio (free from odd-even restricted zone) and Jl. Gatot Subroto
- Sopo Del Tower B is a 37-level tower which consists of 18 levels of a Grade-A quality office space, 10 levels of a 4-star hotel and 4 levels of parking structure. Developed on a 1.7 ha land,
- Tower B is part of Phase 1 integrated mixed-use development with Lifestyle Center connecting the 2 Office Towers, Tower B and Tower A
- Selling Price: IDR 38,000,000 per m2 by (negotiable)
- Contact Number: 081210405528 (wa & call)
- E-mail: iwanmend@yahoo,com
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By Admin, on March 26th, 2022
By Admin, on November 17th, 2021
- Office Building Name: Sopo Del Tower
- Location: Jl. Mega Kuningan Barat III RT.5/RW.5 Kuningan, RT.4/RW.5, Kuningan, Kuningga Beben Tim., Kota Jakarta Selatan, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 12950
- Floor/View: Lantai 10
- Size: 270,6 m2
- Condition: Bare Condition
- Facility:
- ATM & Bank
- Restaurant
- Mini Market
- Coffee Shop
- Parking lots
- Musholla
- Security 24hour & CCTV
- Additional Info: –
- Selling Price: Rp. 40.000.000,-/m2 (included PPN)
- Contact: 081380221818
- WhatsApp: 081380221818
- E-mail: hendrikwijaya@yahoo.com
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By Admin, on November 13th, 2020      
- Office Building Name: Sopodel Tower
- Location: Jl. Mega Kuningan Barat III RT.5/RW.5, Jakarta Selatan
- Floor/View: View to City
- Size: 250, 350, 500, 1000 m2
- Condition: Bare, Semi Furnished, and Fully Furnished
- Facility: ATM, security 24 hours, lift, Bank, Busway, Cafe, A/C, etc
- Additional Info: We also provide other units for SALE and RENT in Mega Kuningan area, SCBD, and Sudirman. Please do contact or WA us!
- Selling Price: Rp 39.000.000/m2 (exclude VAT of 10%)
- Rental Price: Rp 220.000/m2/month + Service Charge Rp 50.000/m2/month
- Contact: +6281295793810 (WA or Call)
- WhatsApp: 6281295793810
- E-mail: jktofficesuites@gmail.com
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By Admin, on July 7th, 2020    
- Office Building Name: Sopo Del Tower
- Location: Jl. Mega Kuningan Barat III RT.5/RW.5 Kuningan, RT.4/RW.5, Kuningan, Kuningan Tim., Kota Jakarta Selatan, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 12950
- Floor/View: Low Zone
- Size: 270.6 sqm
- Condition: Bare
- Facility:
- ATM & Bank
- Restaurant
- Mini Market
- Coffee Shop
- Parking lots
- Musholla
- Security 24hour & CCTV
- Additional Info:
- Sopo del Tower have 2 Tower : Tower A for Lease and Tower B for Strata
- A New Building at Mega Kuningan complex
- Walking distance to ITC Kuningan, Lotte Shopping Avenue and Mall Ambasador, also Bellagio Apartmen
- Sopo Del is easily accessible from 3 main roads: Jl. HR. Rasuna Said, Jl. Prof. Dr. Satrio (free from odd-even restricted zone) and Jl. Gatot Subroto
- Sopo Del Tower B is a 37-level tower which consists of 18 levels of a Grade-A quality office space, 10 levels of a 4-star hotel and 4 levels of parking structure. Developed on a 1.7 ha land, Tower B is part of Phase 1 integrated mixed-use development with Lifestyle Center connecting the 2 Office Towers, Tower B and Tower A
- Selling Price: IDR 42,000,000 per m2 (negotiable)
- Contact:
- Selly : 081 776 578 330 (wa & call )
- Rima : 081 283 008 967 (wa & call)
- WhatsApp: 0811876776
- E-mail: inquiry.office@savajakarta.com
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By Admin, on June 22nd, 2020
- Office Building Name: Office Sopo Del
- Location: Jalan Mega Kuningan Barat III, Kawasan Mega Kuningan, Jakarta Selatan
- Floor/View: 5 Floor / Mega Kuningan
- Size: 6.800 m2
- Condition:
- Brand New
- Bare Conditions
- Kaca Double Glass
- Office Grade A
- Facility:
- Security 24 hours
- Lift
- Bank
- Busway
- Restaurant
- Food Court
- Additional Info:
- Location in Central Business District Jakarta (Thamrin, Kuningan, Sudirman)
- Close to: Mega Kuningan District (5 minute)
- Shopping Mall (Ambassador Mall, Kuningan City, Lotte Shopping Avenue)
- Embassies (Russia, Malaysia, Poland, Finland, Denmark, etc)
- Five stars & luxury Hotels (Four Seasons Hotel, Ritz Carlton, JW Marriot, etc)
- Bank & ATM Center (OCBC NISP, Mandiri, BTN, BRI, BII, UOB, BCA, etc)
- Easy Access to avoid 3 in 1:
- Prof Dr. Satrio street
- HR Rasuna Said street
- Lingkar Mega Kuningan street
- KH Mas Mansyur street
- Selling Price: Rp 45 Juta/sqm x 6.800 Sqm = Rp 306 MILYAR Exluded VAT
- Rental Price: Rp 250 Ribu/Sqm + VAT. Minumum Rental 2 years
- Contact: Charles – Prestige SCBD Property
Treasury Tower Office District 8 Call / Whatsapp: 081377765768 – 087778899910 E-mail: prestigescbd@gmail.com http://charlessusanto88.agenproperti.com
- E-mail: prestigescbd@gmail.com
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By Admin, on June 22nd, 2020
- Office Building Name: Office Sopo Del
- Location: Jalan Mega Kuningan Barat III, Kawasan Mega Kuningan, Jakarta Selatan
- Floor/View: 1 Floor / Mega Kuningan
- Size: 1.360 m2
- Condition:
- Brand New
- Bare Conditions
- Kaca Double Glass
- Office Grade A
- Facility:
- Security 24 hours
- Lift
- Bank
- Busway
- Restaurant
- Food Court
- VIP Lift
- Additional Info:
- Location in Central Business District Jakarta (Thamrin, Kuningan, Sudirman)
- Close to: Mega Kuningan District (5 minute)
- Shopping Mall (Ambassador Mall, Kuningan City, Lotte Shopping Avenue)
- Embassies (Russia, Malaysia, Poland, Finland, Denmark, etc)
- Five stars & luxury Hotels (Four Seasons Hotel, Ritz Carlton, JW Marriot, etc)
- Bank & ATM Center (OCBC NISP, Mandiri, BTN, BRI, BII, UOB, BCA, etc)
- Easy Access to avoid 3 in 1:
- Prof Dr. Satrio street
- HR Rasuna Said street
- Lingkar Mega Kuningan street
- KH Mas Mansyur street
- Selling Price: Rp 45 Juta/SQM x 1.360 Sqm = Rp 61,2 MILYAR Exluded VAT
- Rental Price: Rp 250 Ribu/Sqm + VAT. Minimum Rental 2 years
- Contact: Charles – Prestige SCBD Property
Treasury Tower Office District 8 Call / Whatsapp: 081377765768 – 087778899910 E-mail: prestigescbd@gmail.com http://charlessusanto88.agenproperti.com
- E-mail: prestigescbd@gmail.com
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